After the Dentist: Tips for Brushing Your Teeth at Home

You visit the dentist regularly. That's one step towards having a healthy mouth. But, that's not the only way to keep your smile bright. At-home care is a crucial part of your dental routine. Obviously, brushing is a major way to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. That said, are you brushing the right way? While dental services (such as in-office cleaning and polishing) are absolutely necessary, without proper brushing, maintaining your oral health just isn't possible. [Read More]

2 Reasons To Take Your Child To A Pediatric Dentist

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is trying to get your kids to go to the dentist, since children are often afraid of going to the dentist. However, a pediatric dentist can be one of the best resources at your disposal in that situation, as he or she can help alleviate that fear and put your child at ease in a number of different ways. Listed below are two reasons to take your child to a pediatric dentist. [Read More]

What Is A Socket Graft And Why Should You Get One?

Bone grafts are a type of oral surgery that help you keep your mouth in great shape after getting teeth removed. An extra procedure, known as a socket graft, is often performed after a tooth is removed for a bone graft. What is this procedure and why should you consider it? What Is A Socket Graft? If you have to get a tooth removed from your mouth for any reason, you will have a small hole in your gum where it once sat. [Read More]

Why Does Your Baby Need A Frenectomy?

If you've noticed that your baby is having a hard time breastfeeding or drinking from a bottle, you may be surprised when a pediatrician recommends a so-called "tongue tie" frenectomy. Such a procedure is called for when a baby's lingual frenulum has interfered with their ability to move their tongue freely. The frenulum is the small ligament on the underside of the tongue which keeps the tongue attached to the interior of the mouth; in a frenectomy, part of it is cut. [Read More]