What Are The Pros And Cons Of One-Stage Dental Implants?

Traditional dental implants have two surgery stages. During the first stage, your dentist opens your gum, drills into your bone, and attaches an implant post. During the second stage, they reopen your gum and attach an abutment to the post. They then attach a false tooth to this abutment. One-stage implants use the same tools and techniques. However, they cut out the second surgical stage. Here, your dentist attaches the abutment during the first stage of the process when they insert the implant post. [Read More]

Family Dentists Can Cover A Child's Oral Health Up Through Adulthood

Taking care of a child's oral health is often a challenging prospect for many parents. It may require finding multiple dentists who understand their child and adapt to their needs as they grow. However, picking and sticking with one family dentist can provide a more consistent experience. Why Family Dentists Make Sense  Family dentists are trained to handle general oral health care for all ages, including very young children and older adults. [Read More]

What Effect Does Eating Having On Porcelain Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are attached to your anterior teeth. These are the teeth at the front of your jaw (both upper and lower) that people actually see. Your anterior teeth are your prominent teeth and are clearly seen when speaking, smiling, and of course, eating. This is because porcelain veneers create a new layer for the outward-facing surface of the tooth. Your veneers are cosmetic in nature but have to work along with the natural tooth structure in order to be truly functional. [Read More]

A Parent's Guide To Bruxism In Children

Bruxism is better known as teeth grinding. It is a condition that can affect children as well as adults, and it leads to dental concerns if not addressed. Causes of Teeth Grinding There are a few reasons why a child may begin to grind their teeth. Although stress is the main reason adults suffer from bruxism, this is not always the case with children. 1. Teething Teething infants and children losing their baby teeth may grind in their sleep due to the natural discomfort from teething. [Read More]